Friday, April 01, 2011

Tiger Mike's Smoking Lamb Ribs

Chou Khee,

You will find that grease-like soot cling to the sides of the smoker after smoking. No big deal. Easily removed using "strong degreaser". You can easily smoke 1.8 kg of lamb ribs. The smoking mix is as follows:

1/4 cup brown or white sugar
1/4 cup raw rice
1/4 cup of Chinese tea leaves
1/4 cup spices such as black pepper, cinnamon or szechuan pepper.

Place the mixture, and wrap in a baking foil. Poke it with a fork on both sides. Deploy the lamb on the rack when it starts to smoke. Smoke over low heat for 15 minutes.

Served with spicy BBQ sauce and potato wedges. Chilean Chardonnay please.

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