Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tiger Mike's "Cooking Porridge Using Thermos Flask"


Giving a simple recipe for porridge. Have Christianed it: Bubur Chen Ban, after you know who?

Grind or pound the following:
* 3 Shallots (choong tau chai)
* 2 cloves of garlic
* 1 cm of ginger
* 1 cm of galangal (Lam Keong) * 1 tsp aniseed (Yau kok)
* 1 tsp black pepper

1 cup of rice
3 cups of santan
1 well-grilled mackerel (kan mong yee). Take the flesh.
1 lemon grass (heong mau)
A little vegetable cooking oil. I prefer Canola.

Chop up the following:
A little sweet basil ( heong fah choy)
a little onion shoots

1. Wash the rice and cook until it becomes a nice porridge.
2. Heat the oil and fry the grinded or pounded ingredients.
3. Fold in the santan, lemon grass, fish flesh and sweet basil. Pour the mixture into the porridge. Stir until well mixed. Salt and black pepper to taste
4. When serving, spread onion shoots and fried shallots.

Take your porridge with Nyonya Acar Awak (Mixed vegetable pickles)

I can, if you wish, sock Nasi Ulam porridge and Nasi Kambing porridge recipes to you.

Btw, The Philippines makes the best canned sardines in the world. Cannot get enough in KL.


2010/1/23 Peter Chong <>

Hello Buck,

I can see the benefit of this method for adventurers like John on his trek across the wilderness.

Like you I like mine freshly boiled. Hey, you miss out on salted eggs. Writing this reminds me of 'chye po nea' Can't remember the last time I ate it.


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