Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Tiger Mike's Nasi Tomato Kasih Abadi

Dear Frens,

If you cook this recipe right, its beautiful for the kids et al. Its not difficult. Try it, la!!

3 cups Basmati Rice
3 cups Maggi Concentrate Chicken stock
3/4 cup fresh milk ( Try Farmhouse Brand Milk please)
1 cup tomato puree from a can. I use those in the attachment which you can get in Lee's Frozen in Kpg. Attap.
5 shallots, sliced.
3 cloves garlic, chopped finely
1 inch ginger, chopped finely
1 piece cinnamon
1 small bunch mint leaves
1 star anise
3 cloves
2 leaves of pandanus (cheen loi yip)
2 tbsp mixed veg. Buy the frozen mixed veg from the hypermarket.
salt, to taste
2 tbsp veg oil
2 tbsp ghee

1. Spoon in veg oil and ghee in a sauce pan and heat.
2. Stir in to sweat onion, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, star anise and cloves until the aroma is obvious.
3. Pour in the tomato puree and stir for a short while.
4. Pour in the rice and stir until well mixed. Pour in the chicken stock and fresh milk.
5. Spoon in salt and a little sugar. Put in the the pandanus leaves as two small ribbons.
5. Move the rice mixture into your auto rice cooker and close the lid until well cooked.
6. Serve the rice with fried shallots on top and chopped mint leaves. You can accompany it with ayam masak merah, acar rampai etc.

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