Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tiger Mike's Umai Syam de Ulu Langat

Dear Syam,

I have named the following recipe after you, and its delicious with cold beer or a good white wine:

Fillet Tilapia to get 1 kg of fresh flesh and slice to one inch cubes.

20 limau kasturi
5 limau nipis
1 large Bombay onion
5 shallots
5 garlic
1 cm young ginger
1 daun kunyit
3 tbsp of pounded ground nuts
5 Cili padi 3 tbsp of budu
2 tbsp of rice vinegar
1 lemon grass
4 leaves of limau perut 1 bunga kantan

1. Juice the limau kasturi and the limau nipis. Marinate the Tilapia in the combined juices and place in the fridge.
2. Slice thinly 10 limau kasturi skins, onions, garlic, ginger, lemon grass, daun kunyit, limau perut leaves, and bunga kantan.
3. After the fish has been in the fridge for one hour, mix with all the ingredients at 2.
4. Put in the vinegar, budu and ground nuts, stir.
5. Put the whole thing in the fridge for one hour b4 serving.

Tiger Mike's Ikan Tilapia Cicah Air Asam

Dear Syam,

A chef gave the following to me:

Bahan A
500gm Ikan Tilapia yang telah difiletkan

Bahan B (Semua dikisar)
5 ulas bawang merah
3 ulas bawang putih
seulas halia
seulas kunyit hidup
Sedikit belacan yang di bakar
Bahan C (Air Asam)
5 tangkai cili padi (dikisar)
5 uls bawang kecil (dikisar)
10gm asam jawa
1/2 sudu teh gula (naam taan jeep) atau gula kabung
1/2 sudu teh Thai fish sauce (naam pla)

Perap ikan bersama Bahan B sekurang-kurangnya 1 jam. Balut dengan daun kunyit, dan balut lagi dengan daun pisang. Kemudian bakar tilapia sehingga masak.

Gaulkan semua bahan C untuk air asam. Tambah cili padi kalau nak pedas lagi