Monday, August 29, 2005

Ranger Mike's Umai

Dear Tigers/Tigresses,

I often wonder why some husbands like to mess around (better words than cook) in the kitchen. It is traditionally a “given” domain of the opposite sex – indeed my favourite sex forever and ever. Is it an extension of the conquering macho mentality? It is probable that they should not have space to play. Everything belongs to the MCPs.

My attitude is that if they are happy, I am happier. I think my OCPD’s kakis are fantastic types. They seek fervently to celebrate life and I remain a special camp–follower. These bekas TMGS like steamed kembong from Kota Rd Wet Market, Taiping. The meat of the lovely fried kembong is placed on croutons and washed down by Alsace Gewurztraminer.

Let us face the reality of our lives. Who are the people we cook for? 99% of the time is for our OCPDs and their friends, of course aided by the nervous maid watching us reading recipes, cooking and drinking all at once. So, Tigers, here’s Umai to ensure your Datins get scintillated by the pedas-pedas.


500g medium-sized prawns, shelled.

100g shallots, peeled and sliced

150g Taiwanese white onion, peeled and thinly sliced

60g young ginger, shredded finely

25g chili padi hijau, finely sliced

400ml air limau kasturi or limau nipis

1 batang serai sliced thinly

2 daun limau perut, Julianned

1 bunga kantan, sliced thinly (keong fah)

Salt, pepper and sugar to taste (do not use finely grinded pepper, guna kasar, lah)

Garnish: Chinese celery tips (Kun Choi)


Drown the prawns in the lime juice for 30 mins. They will be cooked naturally by the lime juice. After which, combine all the ingredients except the garnish and set aside in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Garnish before serving.


500g towgeh, tailed. Place 1x 2in cinnamon, 4 cloves and one bunga lawang in a sauce pot and simmer a cup of veg oil. Blanch the towgeh with the oil. Make it a side dish to accompany the umai.

Recommended wine

Wolf Blass Red Label Frontignac Traminer 2004, Nurioopa, South Australia (RM 61) Distributed by Milawa Tel: 62588262.

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